Tax Payment Certificate{納税証明:Nozeishomei}


ページID: 7772

〔収税課〕Tax Payment Certificate{納税証明:Nozeishomei}

Municipal and Prefectural Residence Tax{市県民税:Shikenminzei}, Fixed Property Tax{固定資産税:Koteishisanzei}, City Planning Tax{都市計画税:Toshikeikakuzei}, Light Vehicle Tax{軽自動車税:Keijidoshazei}, National Health Insurance Tax{国民健康保険税:Kokuminkenkohokenzei}, Corporate Inhabitant Tax{法人市民税:Hojinshiminzei} and other tax certificates.
The fiscal year, type of tax, taxable amount, amounts of tax paid and unpaid are certified.

Who can apply

The person him/herself or a representative appointed by the person.

Where to apply

Division of Revenue and Taxation{収税課:Syuzeika}


Monday to Friday: 8:30 a.m. to 5:15 p.m.
※ Applications not possible on Saturdays, Sundays, national Holidays and from December 29 to January 3.

What to bring

  1. Application to issue Tax Payment Certificate{納税証明交付申請書:Nozeishomeikofushinseisho}
  2. For corporations only, the corporate number
  3. For privacy protection, please present a document confirming the identity of the person applying.
  4. If a representative who is not a relative living with the person needing the certificate is making the application a Power of Attorney {委任状:Ininjyo} is necessary.

Kashiharashiyakusyo Syuzeika
Naraken Kashiharashi Naizencho 1-1-60


For each fiscal year and each type of tax, 300

If making applications by mail

Please enclose the following with your application.

  1. Application to issue Tax Payment Certificate{納税証明交付申請書:Nozeishomeikofushinseisho}
  2. A self-addressed return envelope with postage stamp
    ※ Please write the address.
  3. Fee (enclose the fee in fixed amount postal orders{定額小為替:Teigakushokawase} sold at the post office).
  4. For privacy protection, a copy of identification confirming the identity of the person applying.
  5. If a representative who is not a relative living with the person needing the certificate is making the application a Power of Attorney{委任状:Ininjyo} is necessary.

Notes regarding Tax Payment Certificates

※After having received municipal tax payments, it may take up to two weeks for the data to reach City Hall. For this reason Tax Payment Certificates may, when they are issued, not reflect the true state of tax payments.

We apologize for the inconvenience but if municipal tax payments have been made shortly before the day of application for a certificate, please bring a receipt or the bankbook for the account the payment was made from etc.

※It is possible to make applications for certificates of tax payments for each fiscal year and type separately.

※Those not paying any tax can receive a “Certificate of no unpaid taxes{未納のない証明:Minononaishomei)”. However, it happens that, having received the certificate of no unpaid taxes, it turns out that the document needed was actually a certificate of tax exemption{非課税証明書:Hikazeishomeisho}. Please confirm which certificate is necessary before making the application.

※If the person receiving the certificate is not the taxpayer him/herself but a representative a Power of Attorney{委任状:Ininjyo} is necessary.


Please download Applocations.



